Sunday 10 July 2011

10 Reasons Geeks Should Blog

Last one for today, I promise! From Geeks are Sexy, 10 Reasons Why Geeks Should Blog.

If you are interested in library studies, there is a good chance you're a geek. Or at least if you're a student there's a good chance you're a geek, from what I can tell from my fellow classmates. And by 'geek' I don't necessarily mean video-game playing, t-shirt wearing, socially awkward Star Trek fans - I mean people who get really excited about atypical things, like puzzles or Elvis memorabilia or, say, books. Anyway, guest blogger Chris Garrett provides the following ten reasons, which apply to library bloggers, too:

  1. Clout from search engines. Google your name, get your website right up there in the results.
  2. Career – "Once you have a good archive of wisdom to share, it can be of great help for your career, for furthering your job opportunities or getting freelance work."
  3. Education - Stay up to date with industry changes and news.
  4. Opportunities – Getting your name more well-known and your thoughts spread brings a wealth of opportunities, from startup gigs, freelance work, to speaking engagements and book deals.
  5. Gadgets – "It is not all business and careers. Many bloggers get sent free gadgets to review. In my case, the freebies tend to be books, but hey… it’s all good!"
  6. Attention – If people listen to what you say, people will want you to say more.
  7. Communication – Yay interpersonal skills!
  8. Networking – Who you know! Maybe you're better online than you are in person, but it still helps.
  9. Writing – A geek who can write is a more valuable geek.
  10. Money

Okay, numbers five and ten are in the realm of fantasy. I like how the author says he mostly 'only' gets books, like that's not great.

That list just has a summary; it's worth reading the full article. Cheers!


  1. Hey, that list is totally right! I am serious, I think they are actually the reasons why I blog - and you don't want to know how I long for #5! Too bad I didn't read it before starting #cpd23, I could have used those bullet points for my argument. Anyway, it's a lovely post. And I appreciate your opening statement - "If you are interested in library studies, there is a good chance you're a geek" - this could really open a congress on its own!

  2. Hi, Enrico! Thanks for the comment. GEEKS REPRESENT. Your blog is great, too!

    You are much better at English than I am at Italian. I can actually only swear in Italian. Badly.
